WATER WASSER AQUA H20 – Installation exhibition by Eva Fahle-Clouts – 23/9 until 6/10

Eva Fahle-Clouts in collaboration with David Rogers will share her love of water and reflections on protecting this precious substance – featuring photography, video, sound, objects, texts, water tasting and water ritual performances.

An exhibition enhanced by a programme of supporting events as follows :

Sunday 22nd September [2pm – 4pm] 

World Rivers Day Walk
Meet at Gosling Bridge, Lyme Regis

Free to attend/donations welcome.
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/955726452547?aff=oddtdtcreator

Gosling Bridge is at the junction of Coombe Street and Hill Road

Tuesday 24th September [6pm-8pm] 

Talk – Carlos Guarita, photographs taken over a period of twenty years while on assignments to Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, Sudan and Burundi. 

Wednesday 25th September [6pm – 8pm] 

Water Rituals in Catholicism, Judaism and Islam. With Fr Jacek A. Kostuch, Sara Moon and Neomi Alam

Thursday 26th September [6pm – 8pm] 

Talk – ‘Getting Healthy in Toxic Times’ Dr Jenny Goodman

Saturday 28th September [6pm – 8pm] 

Music – Jenny Bliss & Ron Phelan

Thursday 1st October [6pm – 8pm] 

TalkThe River Lim Action Group and Simon Bethel [Surfers Against Sewage]

Friday 4th October [6pm – 8pm] 

Water Rituals the significance of water in Hinduism and Unitarianism. With Sandhya Dave and The Reverend Elizabeth Harley

Supported by: Christina Roessler, David West, Stuart Case, Turn Lyme Green, The River Lim Action Group, SEAFAIR, electricbackroom STUDIO, The Malthouse Gallery, Carlos Guarita,  Fr Jacek A. Kostuch, Sara Moon, Neomi Alam, Dr Jenny Goodman, Simon Bethel (Surfers Against Sewage),  Sandhya Dave and The Reverend Elizabeth Harley

16th August 2024